Courses C to C
- Central Regional TAFE - ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology (Networking)
- Central Regional TAFE - ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology (Front End Web Development)
- Central Regional TAFE - LGA40120 Certificate IV in Local Government
- Central Regional TAFE - MAR20321 Certificate II in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 1 Near Coastal)
- Central Regional TAFE - MAR30821 Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Marine Engine Driver Grade 2 Near Coastal)
- Central Regional TAFE - MAR30921 Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Master up to 24 metres Near Coastal)
- Central Regional TAFE - MAR40220 Certificate IV in Maritime Operations (Marine Engine Driver Grade 1 Near Coastal)
- Central Regional TAFE - MAR40320 Certificate IV in Maritime Operations (Master up to 45 metres Near Coastal)
- Central Regional TAFE - MEM20105 Certificate II in Engineering (Heavy Fabrication Pre-Apprenticeship)
- Central Regional TAFE - MEM20105 Certificate II in Engineering (Mechanical-Plant Mechanic Pre-Apprenticeship)
- Central Regional TAFE - MEM30219 Certificate III in Engineering - Mechanical Trade (Fitting/Machining)
- Central Regional TAFE - MEM30219 MEM30219 Certificate III in Engineering - Mechanical Trade (Fitting)
- Central Regional TAFE - MEM31419 Certificate III in Engineering - Fixed and Mobile Plant Mechanic (Mobile Plant Mechanic)
- Central Regional TAFE - MEM31922 Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade (Boilermaking/Welding)
- Central Regional TAFE - MEM40119 Certificate IV in Engineering (Instrumentation)
- Central Regional TAFE - MSL20122 Certificate II in Sampling and Measurement
- Central Regional TAFE - MSL30122 Certificate III in Laboratory Skills
- Central Regional TAFE - MSL40122 Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques
- Central Regional TAFE - MSL50122 Diploma of Laboratory Technology
- Central Regional TAFE - MSS40222 Certificate IV in Environmental Monitoring and Technology
- Central Regional TAFE - MSS50222 Diploma of Environmental Monitoring and Technology
- Central Regional TAFE - RII30120 Certificate III in Surface Extraction Operations
- Central Regional TAFE - RII30420 Certificate III in Resource Processing
- Central Regional TAFE - RII30820 Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations
- Central Regional TAFE - RII50120 Diploma of Surface Operations Management
- Central Regional TAFE - SFI20119 Certificate II in Aquaculture
- Central Regional TAFE - SFI30119 Certificate III in Aquaculture
- Central Regional TAFE - SFI50119 Diploma of Aquaculture
- Central Regional TAFE - SHB20121 Certificate II in Retail Cosmetics
- Central Regional TAFE - SHB20216 Certificate II in Salon Assistant
- Central Regional TAFE - SHB30121 Certificate III in Beauty Services
- Central Regional TAFE - SHB30416 Certificate III in Hairdressing
- Central Regional TAFE - SHB30516 Certificate III in Barbering
- Central Regional TAFE - SHB40121 Certificate IV in Beauty Therapy
- Central Regional TAFE - SHB50121 Diploma of Beauty Therapy
- Central Regional TAFE - SHBBMUP008 Apply Eyelash Extensions Skill Set
- Central Regional TAFE - SIR20216 Certificate II in Retail Services
- Central Regional TAFE - SIT20322 Certificate II in Hospitality
- Central Regional TAFE - SIT20421 Certificate II in Cookery
- Central Regional TAFE - SIT30622 Certificate III in Hospitality
- Central Regional TAFE - SIT30821 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- Central Regional TAFE - SIT31021 Certificate III in Patisserie
- Central Regional TAFE - SITHFAB021 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol
- Central Regional TAFE - SITSS00069 Food Safety Supervision Skill Set
- Central Regional TAFE - TLI31222 Certificate III in Driving Operations
- Central Regional TAFE - UEE20120 Certificate II in Split Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Systems
- Central Regional TAFE - UEE22020 Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) (Electrotechnology Pre-apprenticeship)
- Central Regional TAFE - UEE30820 Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician
- Centre for Appropriate Technology - AHC21216 Certificate II in Rural Operations
- Centre for Appropriate Technology - AUR10120 Certificate I in Automotive Vocational Preparation
- Centre for Appropriate Technology - AUR20516 Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology
- Centre for Appropriate Technology - AUR20716 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation
- Centre for Appropriate Technology - AUR20816 Certificate II in Outdoor Power Equipment Technology
- Centre for Appropriate Technology - CPC10111 Certificate I in Construction
- Centre for Appropriate Technology - CPC20211 Certificate II in Construction Pathways
- Centre for Appropriate Technology - MEM20105 Certificate II in Engineering
- Centre for Appropriate Technology - RII10115 Certificate I in Resources and Infrastructure Operations
- Centre for Appropriate Technology - RII20715 Certificate II in Civil Construction
- Centre for Appropriate Technology - RII30815 Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations
- Centre for Community Welfare Training - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Centre for Community Welfare Training - CHC50321 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention
- Centre for Community Welfare Training - CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services
- Centre for People Development - BSB40920 Certificate IV in Project Management Practice
- Centre for People Development - BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management
- Centre for People Development - TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
- Centurion College - BSB50120 Diploma of Business
- Centurion College - BSB60120 Advanced Diploma of Business
- Centurion College - BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
- Centurion College - BSB80320 Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership
- Centurion College - SHB50115 Diploma of Beauty Therapy
- Centurion College - SIT30816 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- Centurion College - SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
- CERT Training - TLI27121 Certificate II in Rail Infrastructure - Core Units
- Certificate in Whole Body Massage
- Certificate of Registration - Assistant Agent (ACT)
- Certificate of Registration - Assistant Agent (NSW)
- Certificate of Registration (ACT)
- Certificate of Registration (QLD)
- Certified Cyber Security Professional
- Certified Data Analytics Professional
- Certified Data Science Professional
- Certified Full Stack Developer
- Certified Project Management Professional
- Certified Salesforce Professional (Administrator)
- CFMEU Education & Training - 10830NAT Course in Crystalline Silica Exposure Prevention
- CFMEU Education & Training - 10894NAT Course in Workplace Impairment Prevention
- CFMEU Education & Training - 22597VIC Course in Workplace Spotting for Service Assets
- CFMEU Education & Training - BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
- CFMEU Education & Training - BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety
- CFMEU Education & Training - CPC30220 Certificate III in Carpentry
- CFMEU Education & Training - CPC30420 Certificate III in Demolition
- CFMEU Education & Training - CPC30920 Certificate III in Scaffolding
- CFMEU Education & Training - CPC32920 Certificate III in Construction Crane Operations
- CFMEU Education & Training - CPC40120 Certificate IV in Building and Construction
- CFMEU Education & Training - CPCCCM2007 Use Explosive Power Tools
- CFMEU Education & Training - CPCCCM3001 Operate Elevated Work Platforms up to 11 Metres
- CFMEU Education & Training - CPCCLDG3001 Licence to Perform Dogging
- CFMEU Education & Training - CPCCLHS3001 Licence To Operate A Personnel And Materials Hoist
- CFMEU Education & Training - CPCCLRG3001 Licence to Perform Rigging Basic Level
- CFMEU Education & Training - CPCCLRG3002 Licence to Perform Rigging Intermediate Level
- CFMEU Education & Training - CPCCLRG4001 Licence to Perform Rigging Advanced Level
- CFMEU Education & Training - CPCCLSF2001 Licence to Erect, Alter and Dismantle Scaffolding Basic Level
- CFMEU Education & Training - CPCCLSF3001 Licence to Erect, Alter and Dismantle Scaffolding Intermediate Level
- CFMEU Education & Training - CPCCLSF4001 Licence to Erect, Alter and Dismantle Scaffolding Advanced Level
- CFMEU Education & Training - CPCCLTC4001 Licence to Operate a Tower Crane
- CFMEU Education & Training - CPCWHS1001 Prepare To Work Safely In The Construction Industry
- CFMEU Education & Training - HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
- CFMEU Education & Training - RII30820 Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations
- CFMEU Education & Training - RIIWHS204E Work Safely at Heights
- CFMEU Education & Training - TLI30122 Certificate III in Mobile Crane Operations
- CFMEU Education & Training - TLI40722 Certificate IV in Mobile Crane Operations
- CFMEU Education & Training - TLILIC0003 Licence to Operate a Forklift Truck
- CFMEU Education & Training - TLILIC0005 Licence to Operate a Boom-type Elevating Work Platform (Boom Length 11 Metres or More)
- CFMEU Education & Training - TLILIC0020 Licence to Operate a Slewing Mobile Crane (Over 100 Tonnes)
- CFMEU Education & Training - TLILIC0021 Licence to Operate a Slewing Mobile Crane (Up to 100 Tonnes)
- CFMEU Education & Training - TLILIC0022 Licence to Operate a Slewing Mobile Crane (Up to 20 Tonnes)
- CFMEU Education & Training - TLILIC0023 Licence to Operate a Slewing Mobile Crane (Up to 60 Tonnes)
- CFMEU Education & Training - TLILIC0040 Licence To Operate A Non-Slewing Mobile Crane (Greater Than 3 Tonnes Capacity)
- Charles Darwin University - Associate Degree of Engineering
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Accounting
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Biomedical Science
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Health)
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Medical Science)
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Business (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Business (Project Management)
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Computer Science
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Education (Primary)
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil and Structural Engineering)
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical Engineering)
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Engineering Science (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Engineering Science (Mechanical Engineering)
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Health Science
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Information Technology
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Information Technology (Co-op)
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Laws
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry)
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Midwifery
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Nursing
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Paramedicine
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Psychological Science
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Public Health
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Science (Ecology)
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Environmental Science)
- Charles Darwin University - Bachelor of Social Work
- Charles Darwin University - Diploma in Science
- Charles Darwin University - Diploma of Arts
- Charles Darwin University - Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
- Charles Darwin University - Graduate Certificate in Data Science
- Charles Darwin University - Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management
- Charles Darwin University - Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management
- Charles Darwin University - Graduate Certificate in Public Health
- Charles Darwin University - Graduate Diploma in Public Health
- Charles Darwin University - Graduate Diploma of Health Research
- Charles Darwin University - Graduate Diploma of Nursing
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Arts
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Clinical Audiology
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Data Science
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Dietetics
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Education (Inclusive Education)
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Education (International Education)
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Education (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - TESOL)
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Environmental Management
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Health Research
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Information Technology (Cyber Security)
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Information Technology (Information Systems)
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Nursing
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner)
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Occupational Therapy
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Pharmacy
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Professional Accounting
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Project Management
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Psychology (Clinical)
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Public Health
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Public Health (Global Health)
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Public Health (Indigenous Health)
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Public Health (Public Health Practice)
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Public Policy
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Teaching (Primary)
- Charles Darwin University - Master of Teaching (Secondary)
- Charles Institute of Technology - HLT35115 Certificate III in Dental Laboratory Assisting
- Charles Institute of Technology - HLT55118 Diploma of Dental Technology
- Charles Sturt University - Bachelor of Accounting
- Charles Sturt University - Bachelor of Agricultural Science
- Charles Sturt University - Bachelor of Agriculture
- Charles Sturt University - Bachelor of Animal Science
- Charles Sturt University - Bachelor of Arts (English)
- Charles Sturt University - Bachelor of Arts (Environmental Studies)
- Charles Sturt University - Bachelor of Arts (History)
- Charles Sturt University - Bachelor of Arts (Human Services)
- Charles Sturt University - Bachelor of Arts (Performing Arts)
- Charles Sturt University - Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
- Charles Sturt University - Bachelor of Arts (Sociology)
- Charles Sturt University - Bachelor of Business (Finance)
- Charles Sturt University - Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)
- Charles Sturt University - Bachelor of Business (Management and Leadership)